Movers roundup: Facebook, Best Buy

Among the stock activity stories for Monday, Dec. 31, from AP Business News:

— Shares of Facebook Inc. rose after an analyst said advertising spending was picking up on the Internet social network and raised his rating on its stock.

— Shares of Best Buy Co. rose on light volume as the struggling electronics retailer closed out a rocky year.

— Shares of Duff & Phelps Corp. rose on news that the company had agreed to be acquired.

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Title Post: Movers roundup: Facebook, Best Buy

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Here Come the Crazies

Here’s some scary news: The Cuomo administration is preparing to shove thousands of mentally ill New Yorkers out of supervised settings — where they can be forced to take their medication — into far less restrictive, far more dangerous “community housing.”

This, despite two recent cases of people being fatally shoved from subway platforms — both allegedly by crazy people.

Albany, under pressure from the Obama administration, recently ordered psychiatric facilities not to place any discharged patients in adult homes, where staff can ensure they take their meds.


Andrew Cuomo

Instead, they’ll be placed in “community housing,” without full-time supervision.

This is part of the state’s plan to essentially empty adult homes into community-based “supportive” apartments, leaving up to 6,000 people — including those with schizophrenia — to live on their own, with minimal supervision.

“People with disabilities should have access to community-based services, accessible housing with appropriate supports and employment opportunities,” said Cuomo in an executive order in November.

But as Pat Webdale — whose daughter Kendra was shoved to her death in 1999 by a schizophrenic who’d stopped taking his meds — has warned, “It would be just like deinstitutionalization, the same as putting people on the street.”

And that’s precisely what led to the massive homeless crisis of the 1970s and ’80s.

Indeed, one of those who lives in just such housing — and allegedly receives a whole array of social services — is Jeffrey Hillman, the “homeless” man who roams Midtown and was famously photographed being given a pair of boots by a city cop.

Similarly, according to state Sen. Martin Golden, of 15 residents of Surfside Manor in Far Rockaway who were put in supportive housing, six went back to the adult home, three wound up in a psychiatric hospital, two died and one is homeless.

Yet the Cuomo administration wants to basically empty adult homes, limiting the mentally ill population living there to 25 percent of total residents.

Granted, the move isn’t entirely voluntary: The Obama administration has made clear in numerous states — including New York — that it wants to shut adult homes entirely, saying they illegally segregate the mentally ill. It’s prepared to sue to make that happen.

And if Albany doesn’t move, it could find itself back in front of none other than the imperious federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis, who in 2011 effectively ordered the immediate dismantling of the adult-home system — summarily rejecting every effort by Albany to reach a compromise.

We understand that Cuomo is stuck between a rock and a hard place. And his spokesman insists that the state intends to “ensure that those who need housing will receive the support they need.”

But history teaches — repeatedly — that moving the mentally ill into situations with reduced supervision invites disaster.

As Assemblyman Philip Goldfeder warns, “My biggest fear is that they rush into something in the name of helping people and ultimately hurt them.”

Not to mention endangering the general public.

Have an opinion on this Post editorial? Send it in to LETTERS@NYPOST.COM!

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Florida colleges a bargain, says Kiplinger

Though Florida’s in-state tuition costs more than double what it did only a decade ago, many of the state’s public universities are still a good value, according to the latest annual “Best Values in Public Colleges” list compiled by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.

Florida schools have long fared well in the magazine’s rankings, with this year being no exception. Six of Florida’s 12 state schools made the top 100, with two — the University of Florida and New College of Florida in Sarasota — keeping their place in the top 10, though both schools slipped slightly from their spots a year ago.

UF landed at No. 3 in this year’s rankings, down from No. 2 last year. New College, meanwhile, slipped two spots from No. 5 to No. 7.

In the case of both schools, Kiplinger’s praised what it described as a combination of strong academics and relative affordability. Though Florida’s price of tuition keeps rising, it is still among the lowest in the country — 40th out of 50 states, according to the College Board.

Kiplinger’s also noted UF’s strong retention rate.

“Students stick around, with only 5 percent leaving after freshman year,” the magazine wrote. “And although Florida is a big school — with 16 colleges, more than 150 research centers and institutes, and the largest undergraduate enrollment in our top 10 — it’s still selective, with a 43 percent admittance rate.”

New College is the complete opposite of UF in terms of size (it enrolls less than 850 students) but Kiplinger’s found it also offers “solid academics” along with the lowest total cost of attendance — $16,181 — of any of the top 10 schools. That figure combines the $6,783 annual tuition and fees with other college expenses such as room and board.

Lower in the Kiplinger’s rankings, four other Florida schools were also recognized. Florida State University came in at No. 26, the University of Central Florida landed at No. 42, the University of South Florida was No. 57 and the University of North Florida was No. 64.

Braulio Colón, executive director of the Florida College Access Network, said Florida families looking for a tuition bargain shouldn’t limit their search to state universities. Florida’s community colleges, Colón said, are high-quality, cost about half as much as state universities, and boast a guaranteed-transfer agreement that is the envy of many other parts of the country. Students who earn an associate in arts degree from a Florida community college are guaranteed admission to a state university, though it may not be to the student’s preferred school.

Long term, Colón said, Florida must overhaul its student financial aid system if it wants to maintain college affordability. The state’s largest college aid program is Bright Futures scholarships — some of which are awarded to affluent families who could afford to pay for college on their own. Helping students with demonstrated need must become more of a priority, Colón said, or college costs could eventually spiral out of reach for some families.

“We are at a turning point, right now, as a state,” Colón said.

To see the Kiplinger list go to:

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UM dean in running for Grammy award

After more than three decades in the music industry, Shelton “Shelly” Berg is a man who holds many titles: nationally-recognized jazz pianist, recording studio musician and arranger to artists such as Arturo Sandoval and Gloria Estefan. Not to mention dean of the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music.

Now Berg can add another distinction to the list: Grammy award nominee.

The 2013 Grammy nominations, released earlier this month, include a nod for Berg in the “Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s)” category. The nomination is for Berg’s work with jazz vocalist Lorraine Feather on the song “Out There.”

Berg co-wrote the song with Feather, but it was his work as arranger on the track (deciding which instruments play which part, creating the overall background feel and atmosphere) that earned him a Grammy nomination from The Recording Academy of music-industry professionals.

Over the years, Berg has contributed to multiple albums that were Grammy-nominated or actual award winners, ranging from hard rock (a 1999 nomination for Kiss’ Psycho Circus) to latin jazz (Sandoval’s Latin Grammy-winning A Time for Love). But in those cases, it was the artist themselves — not Berg — who had a chance to actually receive the coveted statuette.

“I’ve never had the nomination that was just for me,” Berg, 57, said. “It’s just different to see your name as opposed to something you worked on ... when your peers single you out, that’s really gratifying.”

Discovering his name among the nominees was a surprise, said Berg, who recalled scrolling through the list, thinking he might merely spot someone that he knew. Instead, he received “as wonderful a validation as you can get.”

The song that earned Berg the nomination, “Out There,” is an eerie, otherworldly-sounding romantic track that was inspired by The X Files television series. It’s written from the perspective of character Dana Scully.

“The world we traveled grew darker by the day,” Feather sings at one point. “A grave informant and a dog-faced boy/Were waiting out there.”

The song appears in Feather’s album Tales of the Unusual, and fits perfectly with its overall theme of strange, eccentric tales — both real and fictitious. Feather penned the lyrics; Berg wrote the music and provided the arrangement.

“It felt very X Files-ish, creepy,” Feather said in an interview, noting that it was a “stormy day” when she and Berg sat down to compose it. There’s piano notes blending with violin, and an ominous guitar intro that has been compared to thrash-metal band Slayer.

The song can be heard at The Grammy winners will be announced during the Feb. 10 awards ceremony, which will be broadcast nationally on CBS.

In the meantime, the Cleveland-born Berg is keeping busy. He oversees more than 700 students and 100 faculty members at UM, and he’s spending time in the studio writing arrangements for Estefan, who is recording an album of jazz standards. In January, Berg heads to London to play three concerts with a symphony orchestra.

Berg said his time spent composing or performing can sometimes pay dividends for the university, as he’s always looking for moments when he can promote the music school.

“There are people all over the place who might be your donors, so I try to combine those things,” Berg said.

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Kobe Bryant Finally Joins Twitter — Kind Of

Long among the sports world’s biggest Twitter holdouts, Kobe Bryant has finally joined the social network. But he hasn’t opened an account, and won’t be around for long.

Social savvy fans are being blessed with his presence thanks to Nike Basketball, which has turned over its account to Bryant since Tuesday.

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Nike Basketball, which sponsors Bryant and produces his official sneaker, announced the Kobe takeover in a Christmas Day tweet. The account’s name is now “Kobe Bryant” although its handle remains @nikebasketball. Kobe has spent the past few days tweeting about a variety of subjects using a series of hashtags that play off the theme #counton-fill-in-the-blank.

He’s tweeted about the Lakers progress as a team:

[More from Mashable: FanDuel Is Fantasy Sports With a Twist]

He’s tweeted behind-the-scenes snippets of training and treatment:

And he’s tweeted a totally normal, typical, everyday holiday family portrait:

Bryant actually joined Twitter for realsies back in 2011, but then deleted the account after racking up more than 35,000 followers in a just a few hours. He’s one of the NBA’s few stars without a Twitter presence. Nearly 90% of the league’s players are on the social network, according to Twitter.

But Bryant did become much more active on Facebook this summer, especially while traveling with the United States’ Olympic basketball team. He has nearly 15 million fans there, and reportedly writes his status updates and messages himself, with editing and actual posting done by support staff. In November he asked Facebook fans whether to join Instagram or Twitter next, and on Monday hinted in a status update that he may soon open an Instagram account.

What athletes would you most like to see get more active on social media? Let us know in the comments.

BONUS: 30 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts This NBA SEASON

1. @NBA

The NBA is arguably the world’s most engaging sports league on social media. Follow its official Twitter account for news, highlights and promotions.

Click here to view this gallery.

Thumbnail image courtesy Flickr, Keith Allison

This story originally published on Mashable here.

Social Media News Headlines – Yahoo! News

Title Post: Kobe Bryant Finally Joins Twitter — Kind Of

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Hillary Clinton Hospitalized for Blood Clot

Hillary Clinton was hospitalized in New York on Sunday after doctors discovered a blood clot.

Pics: From the White House to the Altar: Chelsea Clinton Through the Years

The 65-year-old Secretary of State's spokesman said the clot was found during a follow-up exam related to the concussion she sustained earlier this month when she fainted due to dehydration; Clinton was suffering from a stomach virus and has been sidelined from work for the last three weeks.

Clinton is expected to remain at New York Presbyterian Hospital for the next two days so physicians can treat her with anti-coagulants and keep an eye on her.

Video: Grammys Flashback '97 -- Hillary Clinton! 

Philippe Reines, deputy assistant secretary of state, said in a statement, "In the course of a follow-up exam today, Secretary Clinton's doctors discovered a blood clot had formed, stemming from the concussion she sustained several weeks ago. She is being treated with anti-coagulants and is at New York Presbyterian Hospital so that they can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours. Her doctors will continue to assess her condition, including other issues associated with her concussion. They will determine if any further action is required."

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Hold Brawley & Co. responsible

The Issue: Tawana Brawley, who accused innocent men of rape 25 years ago and is now resisting fines.


Tawana Brawley should pay what she owes to Steven Pagones (“Brawley’s Defiant Life in Hiding,” Dec. 23).

After all, it was Brawley, with the feverish support of the Rev. Al Sharpton, Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason, who trashed the reputations of Pagones and Officer Crist, while telling a lie that could have sent these two honest men to prison for a long time.

It matters that Brawley pay the fine and ’fess up to what she did.

Diane McVey

Scotch Plains, NJ

One of the sad results of the Brawley fiasco was that it catapulted Sharpton’s career.

He, Mason and Maddox had to pay damages for the fraud they perpetrated, when they should have been given prison wear.

They deserved no less for the racial divide they caused.

I hope Pagones is successful in his quest to have Brawley pay for her sinister accusations against innocent men.

She did untold damage to their lives. She, too, should have been punished by jail time.

Sharpton built his career through demagoguery.

It’s hard to imagine that the idiots at MSNBC saw fit to give this buffoon face time on their station.

It shows signs of their extreme desperation.

Sarah McKenzie

Freehold, NJ

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Week brings startup launches, social media advice for 2013

Jared Kleinert, a South Florida entrepreneur, plans to soon launch Synergist, a platform that allow social entrepreneurs to meet potential co-founders online, collaborate and crowdfund their new projects. He also just launched AliveNDead, a blog about risk-taking, and he interns for a Silicon Valley startup.

And when he’s not doing all that, he’s going to class — he’s a junior at Spanish River High School in Boca Raton.

Lester Mapp is CEO and founder of the new Miami-based startup called designed by m. His team has just designed a sleek, ultra-thin aluminum iPhone bumper and launched the project on Kickstarter. After just a few days, Mapp is already more than a third of the way to his $20,000 fund-raising goal.

Read about both these entrepreneurs on The Starting Gate blog, where there’s also a post on the most pressing issues facing small businesses in the coming year — taxes, healthcare, lending and a skilled worker shortage, for starters.

And as you are ringing in the New Year, you may be resolving to beef up your business’ social media strategy. Susan Linning's guest post offers five top tips for boosting your social media effectiveness. Among them: Go beyond retweets and make your posts original, fun and personal (but not too personal.) Use visuals, too. Find this and other news, views and tools for entrepreneurs on the blog, which is at the bottom of /business.

Follow me on Twitter @ndahlberg and Happy New Year to all.

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How Florida limits care for disabled kids

In a drab, cramped conference room in Doral, a 45-year-old single mother is fighting with the state to secure in-home nursing care for her severely disabled daughter — while the 10-year-old fights for her life.

The mother sits across a wooden table from a state hearing officer who will decide whether health regulators were right to insist she get 18 hours each weekday of nursing care for her daughter, and fewer on the weekends, instead of the 24 hours her daughter’s pediatrician says are necessary. As her expert witness — a registered nurse — testifies, the woman’s daughter begins to cough, then vomit, then struggle for breath as her breathing tube becomes clogged. The hearing stops as the child’s mother and the nurse suction the girl’s tube, then clean, change and console her.

Generally lacking in such drama, hearings like the one that occurred Dec. 14 are held hundreds of times each year in Florida as the parents of severely disabled and medically fragile children battle state health administrators for nursing care and services for their children. Without such care, some of the youngsters will end up in nursing homes, something the 10-year-old’s mother is trying to avoid.

“I think about it often,” the mother says, under questioning from her attorney, Howard Talenfeld. “I’m very concerned.”

In September, the U.S. Justice Department said the state had “planned, structured and administered a system of care that has led to the unnecessary segregation and isolation of children, often for many years,” in geriatric nursing homes. Children in such homes often spend their days in virtual seclusion, lying in bed or watching television, the civil rights division wrote.

Rationing care

Florida has consigned hundreds of children to such a plight, the Justice Department wrote, by “reducing or eliminating the availability of in-home services that had been prescribed as medically necessary by a child’s physician, without reasonably considering the child’s actual needs.”

State and federal lawyers are still negotiating over the federal government’s insistence that Florida sign an agreement to redesign the state’s program, and allow a federal judge to oversee the state’s effort.

Justin Senior, the Agency for Health Care Administration’s deputy secretary for Medicaid, said Friday the overwhelming majority of pediatric in-home nursing claims end amicably with the child’s family doctor and state reviewers in agreement over the care that is needed. “The long and the short of it is we always make sure the child and the family get the services they need — and err on the side of caution,” he said.

Senior added: “We need to make sure we are spending our dollars — and they are finite dollars — on the things that provide significant medical benefits to our recipients.”

In a deposition last February, the associate medical director of Louisiana-based eQHealth Solutions, which reviews such claims under contract with the state, acknowledged what truly undergirds the state’s pediatric private duty nursing program: rationing.

“There are many children who require services in the state of Florida,” pediatrician Ian Nathanson said. “There are many requests for services. And there are, in my view, just not enough resources to provide for every single child and every single request.”

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The Boy Genius Report: The Wii U is Nintendo’s last console

I remember it still — people flipped out about the Nintendo (NTDOY) Wii. Yes, its name was mocked for a while, but there was genuine excitement around what Nintendo was doing with motion and the entire gameplay experience. While the original Nintendo Wii was almost an Apple (AAPL)-like product — Nintendo focused on the gameplay and not on specs; the company didn’t even have HD graphics when every other console did — the Nintendo Wii U clearly demonstrates how far Nintendo has fallen and how out of touch the company is.

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I bought a Nintendo Wii U for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to play and beat “Super Mario Bros. U.” I’ll probably end up returning the console after I’m done, because that’s how horrible the Wii U actually is.

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First of all, the fact that Nintendo actually decided to ship this joke of a controller called the GamePad with a 6.2-inch touchscreen in the middle says it all. It only lasted for around two hours per charge over the week I’ve used it, and it’s big, clunky and made of glossy Nintendo plastic. The problem it, it has no charm. It feels thrown together to try to make a statement, one that says that Nintendo isn’t afraid of the iPads or Android tablets or iPhones or iPod touches, and that it too can take on touch just as it took on motion.

It fails miserably. And that’s just the controller.

The actual console is one that finally for the first time ever supports HDMI and HD graphics, yet Nintendo’s flagship game doesn’t look good in high-definition. The console’s UI is a mess, and let’s be honest, we are living in a time where we are so connected, where so much is shared across continents instantly, that real design transcends what country it was designed in.

When you see a beautiful iPhone app’s interface, there’s a good chance you couldn’t tell if it was designed by a company in San Francisco or Paris or Hong Kong. But Nintendo’s interface is blatantly Japanese, and it lacks any and all sophistication. It’s like all of Nintendo’s designers just gave up and are living in a time when Apple’s iOS devices and Google’s (GOOG) Android devices don’t exist, blissfully ignoring the threat that their company is facing from all angles.

The Wii U experience is so terrible that it took over an hour to update the software on the console recently, and apparently that wasn’t that bad. People have told me their updates took over 4 hours when performed closer to Christmas. Do you know what that 7-year-old is doing during those 4 hours you’re making him wait? Playing Temple Run or Angry Birds on his iPad mini. Way to go Nintendo.

I’ll go on record and say that I think this is the last video game console Nintendo will make for the home. I just don’t see the future here with hardware. Not by a mile.

Nintendo needs to realize that hardware is hardware and that Nintendo’s hardware isn’t special, it isn’t elegant and it isn’t thoughtful. It’s merely a delivery mechanism in a time where design has never been more important.

Nintendo is a great company, one that has invented so many great products, but sooner or later it will be forced to offer its titles on iOS devices and Android devices. It’s going to get to that point. There’s way too much revenue to be made — Nintendo isn’t Sega, and Sega is crushing it as a software-only company.

I just hope Nintendo follows suit sooner or later, because I have $ 9.99 ready to go for the Super Mario app on iOS.

This article was originally published by BGR

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Title Post: The Boy Genius Report: The Wii U is Nintendo’s last console

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